About me

Hello and thank you so much for visiting my blog!

I’m Matthew, a daydreamer with a passion for natural and organic beauty and a creator of matthewmwilliams.com. A few things that describe me best:

*I’m an ordinary man who’s obsessed with coffee, lavender, and yoga
*A happy and proud cat parent
*When I think of my happy place, it’s either snuggling with my cat on the sofa with a hot coffee and a laptop, reading my favorite blogs or writing new posts, or hiking some steep hill somewhere in a foreign country
*As much as I love my personal challenges, I do not believe in competition (weird?). I think that we all are different and unique in our own way, so there’s always room for everyone
*Current goal is to learn Spanish
*Traveling is my life. It changes me every single time. Backpacking is my preferred way of traveling, but I had a fancy (at least, I think so) holiday once, during my elopement in Cuba
*For me, the “glass of life” is always half-full. And yours should be too!